Fiverr CSS3 Test 2023 Question Answers

Fiverr CSS3 Test 2023 Question Answers - cropped icon5 75x75 1 | Useful Resources | Empowering Your Digital Journey with Expert Insights

1. What does the outline-offset property do?

A.    Offsets an outline

B.    Draws an outline beyond the border edge.

C.   Both of the other answers are correct.

2. If the following rule is used, what will be the output?

:focus,:active { outline-offset: 10px }

A.   The focus outline will appear at a distance of 10 pixels from the active element.

B.    The width of the focus outline will be 10 pixels.

C.    No outline will be shown.

3. What CSS3 attribute is not correct?

A.    scale()

B.    matrix()

C.    slide()

D.   translate()

E.    all are right

4. Have all of the CSS3 properties been implemented in the modern browsers?

A.   No

B.    All except Safari

C.    Yes

D.    All except Internet Explorer.

5. If you want to create a dropdown menu to go from right to left. Instead of left to right, then which of the following options will help you to achieve that?

A.    style=”left:

B.    styleft:0;

C.   style-right:0

6. Can you add a dropdown menu inside a navigation bar using CSS 3 dropdowns?



7. How can you apply a “bounce” effect to an element?

A.    Move it using “cubic-bezier”, with greater values than normal.

B.    Create an animation which moves the element to a position transitionally, followed by another faster but shorter move, in the opposite direction.

C.   Both answers are correct.

8. This code will affect: @media print {h1#first { position: static }

A.   print only

B.    all browsers as well as print

C.    all media devices except print

D.    none of these

9. Which of the following is the valid option that can be used to remove underlines from the lines in CSS3?

A.    text-underline: none

B.    text formatting:none

C.   text-decoration:none;

10. Which of the given are the valid values of the ruby-align property

start 2. left 3. line-edge 4. distribute-space

A.   All 1,2.3 and 4

B.    Only 1, 2 and 3 

C.    Only 1, 2 and 4 

D.    Only 2.3 and 4

12. Which of the following options are the correct CSS pseudo classes?

A.   not(selector)

B.    nth-last-of-type(n)

C.    target

D.    selection

13. In CSS3, which of the following options is the correct selector that can be used to select every <ul> element that are preceded by a <p> element?

A.    p % ul

B.    p “ ul

C.    p ! ul

D.    p $ ul

15. Which of the given options is/are equivalent to the following rule? DIV { line-height: 1.2; font-size: 10pt }

A.   DIV { line-height: 1.2em; font-size: 10pt }

B.    DIV { line-height: 12em; font-size: 10pt }

C.    DIV { line-height: 120%; font-size: 10pt }

D.    DIV { line-height: 20%; font-size: 10pt }

16. While rendering the following code, what is the role of “src” propery? @font-face { font-family: “calibriforh1”; src: local(“calibri”), url(calibri.woff); } h1 { font-family: “calibriforh1”, arial, sans-serif; }

A.   It’s for searching the user’s system for a “calibri” font, and if it does not exist, it will load the font from the server instead.

B.    It’s for searching the user’s system for a “calibri” font, and if it does not exist, it will load user’s system’s default font instead.

C.    It’s for loading the user’s system’s default font.

D.    None of these.

17. Using height on transitions is not possible with:

A.    height:auto

B.    height:100%

C.    height:0

D.    max-height:100%

18. Consider the following font definition: font-weight:normal What is the other way of getting the same result?

A.    font-weight:250

B.    font-weight:800

C.   font-weight:400

D.    font-weight:100

19. In which position will it be calculated from the upper left corner of the parent layer?

A.    position: fixed

B.    position: relative

C.   position: absolute

20. The color in three digit RGB notation is #fb0. What will be its equivalent six digit color code?

A.    None of the above

B.    #fbfb00

C.   #ffbb00

D.    #fb0fb0

21. Which of the following value of the white-space property will set the value of white-space-collapse to “preserve” and value of the text-wrap to “none”?

A.    nowrap

B.    pre-line

C.    normal

D.    pre-wrap

E.    pre

22. You want to float an image to the top of the next-page. Which of the following styles will help you to achieve the desired result?

A.    img { float: next-page top; }

B.    img { float: next-page; }

C.    img { float: top-corner next-page; }

D.    Both of the above

23. How to support media queries in IE 8 and older versions?

A.   using respond.js

B.    using css3

C.    using JQuery plug-in

D.    IE 8 or older versions are not support media queries anymore

24. What is the proper syntax inline styling a floated element to the left?

A.   style=”float:left;”

B.    float=”left”;

C.    style=”float-left”

D.    style=”float=left”

25. Does a class selector and pseudo class selector have the same specificity weight?



26. What is the right syntax of media query?

A.   media=”(width: 480px)”

B.    media=width: 480px

C.    media=”(‘width’: ‘480px’)”

D.    media=”‘width’: ‘480px’

27. Which CSS position property would you use for effecting within parent’s attributes?

A.   Relative

B.    Fixed

C.    Static

D.    None

28. What effect does setting position: static; have on an element with no other style rules applied have?

A.   No effect

B.    Causes the element to scroll when the window is scrolled.

C.    Moves the element to the left side of its parent element.

D.    Causes the element not to scroll when the window is scrolled.

29. How can you center a block with a certain width?

A.   margin: 0 auto;

B.    text-align: center;

C.    block-align: center;

D.    margin: 0;

30. How do you center content horizontally in a page’s body element?

A.   body { width: 90%; margin: 0 auto; }

B.    body { left: 50%; }

C.    body { align: center; }

31. What is one way to override inline css rules on an html div from within a stylesheet?

A.   div[style]{}

B.    Place stylesheet after html element in the dom

C.    !important

32. div is a block level element?



33. If i set font-size to 1em, what’s the default size in pixels?

A.   16px

B.    18px

C.    10px

D.    12px

34. Which type of doesn’t use a selector?

A.   Inline

B.    Internal

C.    External

D.    all are wrong

35. We write single________ before the pseudo-class property

A.    Hash

B.    Dot

C.   Colon

D.    Semicolon

36. The correct inline CSS to remove underlines from links is <style=”text-decoration: none”>



37. For what purpose we use text-indent property?

A.    to specify the indentation of the last line of a text

B.    to specify the indentation of the first line of a text

C.    All answers are correct

D.    to specify the indentation of the all line of a text

38. Which statement is used in CSS to remove table borders?

A.    tableborder: false;

B.    table: remove-border;

C.   border-collapse: collapse;

D.    border: remove;

39. Hex values are written as three double digit numbers starting with which character?

A.    $ sign

B.    # sign

C.    % sign

D.    @ sign

40. Which defines the size of text?

A.    fontsize :

B.    font-size :

C.    fontsiZe :

D.    font.size :

41. CSS is a web standard that describes style for?

A.   XML/HTML documents

B.    Javascipt

42. How to put a background image?

A.    fond:;

B.    background-image : ;

C.    background-color:;

D.    background: ;

43. Which of the following position/number-based pseudo class selectors selects the first element within a parent

A.    :only-of-type

B.    :first-child

C.    :last-of-type

D.    :root

44. Which property specifies whether a border should be solid, dashed line, doted line, double line, groove etc.?

A.    border-layout

B.    border-weight

C.    border-decoration

D.   border-style

45. What does the greater than sign ( > ) indicate in CSS?

A.   Select the child of the element it follows

B.    Selects the last element

C.    Selects the next element

D.    Selects the previous element

46. Which can you use to move one element above another?

A.    position

B.    margin

C.    padding

D.   z-index

47. Which property can help you to create a more layered webpage layout?

A.    x-index

B.    z-index

C.    y-index

48. Which of the following options below has the correct CSS syntax?

A.   p {color:red; text-align:center;}

B.    p {color:red; text-align:center}

C.    p {color:red; text-align:center};

D.    p (color:red;text-align:center;)

49. backface-visibility:hidden; will this property hide the back side when an element is rotated?



50. Which of the following CSS functions can be used to insert the value of a custom property?

A.    va()

B.    var()

C.    attr()

51. What will happen if the pause property is used as follows?

h2 { pause: 40s 60s }

A.   pause-before will be set to 40 seconds and pause-after will be set to 60 seconds.

B.    pause-after will be set to 40 seconds and pause-before will be set to 60 seconds.

C.    pause-after and pause-before will be set to 40 seconds.

D.    pause-after and pause-before will be set to 60 seconds.

52. In CSS3, which of the following declarations can rotate an element counter-clockwise?

A.    object-rotation: -30deg

B.    rotate-object: -30deg

C.   transform: rotate(-30deg)

D.    transform: rotateobject(-30deg)

53. What is the problem in the following style sheet?

@import “style.css”;
 @media print
   @import “print-main.css”;
   BODY { font-size: 10pt }
 h1 {color: red }

A.    Two style sheets can’t be included with @import.

B.    The body tag can’t be included inside @media.

C.   @import rule is invalid since it occurs inside a @media block.

D.    It is valid.

54. Which of the following is not a user interface element fragment selector?

A.    value

B.    choices

C.   default

D.    repeat-item

E.    repeat-index

55. If you are using the white-space-collapse property with value collapse, what will be the output of the following string?

John leads his team to the         victory, but fails to reach the   finals.

A.    Johnleadshisteamtothevictory,butfailstoreachthefinals.

B.    John leads his team to the            victory, but fails to reach the finals.

C.   John leads his team to the victory, but fails to reach the finals

D.    John leads his team to thevictory, but fails to reach thefinals.

56. Which of the given options is/are equivalent to the following rule?

DIV { line-height: 1.2; font-size: 10pt }

A.   DIV { line-height: 1.2em; font-size: 10pt }

B.    DIV { line-height: 12em; font-size: 10pt }

C.    DIV { line-height: 120%; font-size: 10pt }

D.    DIV { line-height: 20%; font-size: 10pt }

E.    DIV { line-height: 80%; font-size: 10pt }

57. If you set the value of the speak property to digits, how would 22 be spoken?

A.    twenty two

B.    two two

C.    twenty and two

D.    four

58. Consider the following font definition:

What is the other way of getting the same result?


A.    font-weight:100

B.    font-weight:900

C.   font-weight:400

D.    font-weight:700

59. Which of the following filters does SVG support?

A.    SVG supports only CSS filters.

B.    SVG supports CSS filters as well as ‘filter’ property of SVG

C.    SVG supports only ‘filter’ property of SVG

D.    SVG does not supports any filters

61. Which of the following properties allow percentages in their value fields?

A.   font-size

B.    font-variant

C.    font-weight

D.    line-height

62. Which of the following is not a valid value for the font-stretch property?

A.    condense

B.    normal

C.   semi-narrower

D.    expanded

63. Which of the following styles is valid?

A.    order: “none”;

B.    order= “none”;

C.    order: none;

D.    order= none;

E.    None of these.

64. Which one of the following is appropriate to mirror/flip text by using CSS3?

A.   .mirror_text{ -moz-transform: scaleX(-1); -o-transform: scaleX(-1); -webkit-transform: scaleX(-1); transform: scaleX(-1); filter: FlipH; -ms-filter: “FlipH”; }

B.    .mirror_text{ Box-reflect; 20px right; }

C.    .mirror_text{ Box-reflect; 20px left; }

D.    .mirror_text{ -moz-transform: rotate(-180deg); -webkit-transform: rotate(-180deg); transform: rotate(-180deg); }

65. What is the initial value of the marquee-speed property?

A.    slow

B.    normal

C.    fast

D.    none

66. Using height on transitions is not possible with:

A.   height:auto

B.    height:100%

C.    height:0

D.    max-height:100%

67. There are various types of input fields in a HTML page. Choose the appropriate CSS3 code which will have an effect on all inputs, except checkbox and radio.

A.    form input:not([type=”radio”], [type=”checkbox”]) { }

B.    input:not([type=”radio”]):not([type=”checkbox”]) { }

C.    input:not([type=”radio & checkbox”]) { }

D.    input:!([type=”radio”]) , input:!([type=”checkbox”]) { }

68. Which of the following will create a triangle effect using pure CSS3 on a white background, without making use of background images?

A.    It is not possible to do so.

B.    border-color: #a0c7ff #ffffff #ffffff #ffffff; border-style: solid; border-width: 20px; width: 0px; height: 0px;

C.    background-color: #a0c7ff #ffffff #ffffff #ffffff; border-style: solid; border-width: 20px; width: 0px; height: 0px;

D.    background-color: #a0c7ff #ffffff #ffffff #ffffff; border-style: solid; border-width: 1px; width: 10px; height: 10px;

69. Can a percentage value be given in a ruby-align property?



70. Consider the following font definition:
What is the other way of getting the same result?

A.    font-weight:100

B.    font-weight:900

C.   font-weight:400

D.    font-weight:700

71. Consider the following code:
div[class^=”stronger”] { }

Which of the following statements is true?

A.   It applies the rule only on divs who belong to a class that begins with “stronger”.

B.    It applies the rule only on divs of class “stronger”.

C.    It applies the rule only on divs who belong to a class which end with “stronger”.

D.    It applies the rule only on divs who belong to a class which does not contain “stronger” in its name.

72. For the clear property, which of the following values is not valid?

A.    none

B.    left

C.    right

D.   top

73. Which of the following is not a valid value for the font-smooth property?

A.    auto

B.    never

C.    always

D.   normal

E.    length

74. Which of the following option does not exist in media groups available in CSS3?

A.    continuous or paged

B.    visual or tactile

C.    grid or bitmap

D.   braille or screen

75. Which of the following is not a valid page break?

A.    page-break-inside

B.    page-break-outside

C.    page-break-before

D.    page-break-after

E.    None of these

76. The min-width property cannot be applied to the following element:

A.    button

B.    span

C.   table row

77. Consider the following code:
body { text-replace: “a” “b” “b” “c” }
What will be the output of the following string if the text-replace style is implemented?
andy lives behind cafe

A.    ndy lives behind cbfe

B.    cndy lives cehind ccfe

C.    andy lives behind cafe

D.    andy lives cehind bafe

78. What is the default value of the transform-style property?

A.    preserve-3d

B.    flat

C.    none

D.    preserve

79. Suppose that a <tr> tag has 10 <td> tags. In this case which statement is correct given the following?
background-color: orange;

A.    It returns a syntax error.

B.    The background color of the fourth td will be orange.

C.    The background color of the third td will be orange.

D.   The background color of every third td will be orange.

80. What is the best method to select all elements except for the last one in an unordered list?

A.    Adding a class to each <li> element but last

B.    Using li:not(:last-child) css selector

C.    Using li:last-child selector

D.    None of the above

81. Which of the following will apply a black inner glow with 25% opacity to a page element?

A.    box-shadow: 0 0 8px rgba(255,255,255, 0.25);

B.    box-shadow: inset 0 0 8px rgba(0,0,0, 0.25);

C.    box-shadow: 0 0 8px rgba(255,255,255, 25%);

D.    box-shadow: inset 0 0 8px rgba(0,0,0, 25%);

82 Which of the following is the initial value for the column-fill property?

A.    auto

B.    balance

C.    none

83. Which of the following can be used to add a shadow around the div element below?

<div>Lorem ipsum</div>

A.   box-shadow: 0 0 8px 2px #888;

B.    border-shadow: 0 0 8px 2px #888;

C.    div-shadow: 8px 2px 0 0 #888;

D.    None of these

84. Which of the following will decrease 50px from a DIV element whose width is 100%?

A.   width: calc(100% – 50px);

B.    width: reduce(100% – 50px);

C.    width: decrease(100% – 50px);

D.    width: 100% – 50px;

85. Which of the following properties specifies the minimum number of lines of a paragraph that must be left at the bottom of a page?

A.   orphans

B.    widows

C.    bottom

D.    overflow

E.    None of these

86. What is the maximum value that can be given to the voice-volume property?

A.    10

B.    100

C.    500

D.    None of the above

87. What is the initial value of the font-size property?

A.    small

B.    medium

C.    large

D.    default

88. Is there a way to create a pure CSS3 text color gradient?

A.    Yes, using the text-gradient property.

B.    Yes, but only for headings.

C.   There is no way to do a text color gradient with CSS3.

D.    None of the above.

89. Consider the following code:
Given a div element that needs to have a transparent red border, which of the following code samples will work in conjunction with the code above to accomplish the requirement?

A.   border: 1px solid rgba(255, 0, 0, 0.7);

B.    border: 1px solid rgb(255, 0, 0, 0.7);

C.    border: 1px solid rgba(255, 255, 0, 0.7);

D.    border: 1px solid red; opacity: 0.7;

90. What is the initial value of the animation-iteration-count property?

A.   1

B.    5

C.    None

91. What is the default value of the animation-direction property?

A.    none

B.    normal

C.    alternate

D.    inherited

92. Is it possible to combine a background image and CSS3 gradients?

A.    It is possible only when two separate styles are used, “background-image” and “gradient”, on an HTML tag.

B.    It is possible only when “background-image” is used.

C.    It is possible only when layered HTML tags are used, “background-image” and “gradient”.

D.    It is not possible to combine a background image and CSS3 gradients.

93. What will happen if the cursor property value is set to none?

A.    The default cursor will be displayed.

B.    No cursor will be displayed.

C.    A pointer cursor will be displayed.

D.    A text cursor will be displayed.

94. What will be the outcome of given code?

div[class^=”stronger”] { }


A.   It applies the rule only on divs who belong to a class that begins with “stronger”.

B.    It applies the rule only on divs of class “stronger”.

C.    It applies the rule only on divs who belong to a class which end with “stronger”.

D.    It applies the rule only on divs who belong to a class which does not contain “stronger” in its name.

95. To apply style on every input element except text, which of the following selectors should be used?

A.    input:([!type=’text’])

B.    input:not([type=”text”])

C.    input:not([type!=”text”])

D.    input:([type!=’text’])

96. For the clear property, which of the following value is not valid?

A.    none

B.    left

C.    right

D.   top

97. Read the following:

@page rotated {size: landscape}
TABLE {page: rotated; page-break-before: right}
What will this code do?

A.   It will put all tables on a right-hand side landscape page.

B.    It will rotate the page if the table is positioned at the right side.

C.    It will keep the table in the landscape position and rotate the page.

D.    None of the above

98. What is the initial value of the opacity property?

A.   1

B.    normal

C.    none

99. State whether the following statement is true or false.

If a parent element display property is set to none, its children too will not be rendered.



100. Is it possible to use transition animations with a gradient background?



101. What is the difference between float:left; vs display:inline-block; ?

A.    There is no difference, both of them have the same results.

B.    display:inline-block; adds whitespace between the elements.

C.    float:left; collapses the parent element on itself.

D.    None of these.

102. What is the range of values (in decimal notation) that can be specified in the RGB color model?

A.    0 to 256

B.    0 to 255

C.    -250 to 250

D.    -255 to 255

 Which of the following are not valid values for the target-new property?

A.    window

B.    tab

C.    none

D.   parent

E.    current

 What will be the output of the following rule?

em { color: rgba(0,0,255,1) }

A.    Opacity 1 with solid red color

B.    Opacity 0 with solid blue color

C.    Opacity 0 with solid red color

D.   Opacity 1 with solid blue color

E.    None of these

Which of the following statements is true with regard to CSS3 transitions?

A.    Using CSS transitions will slow down page upload and produce lag.

B.    The completion of a CSS transition generates a corresponding DOM event. An event is fired for each property that

C.    undergoes a transition. This allows a content developer to perform actions that synchronize with the completion of a transitio.

D.    CSS transitions allow DOM events in CSS values to occur smoothly over a specified duration.

E.    None of these.

 Which of the given options is/are equivalent to the following rule?
DIV { line-height: 1.2; font-size: 10pt }

A.   DIV { line-height: 1.2em; font-size: 10pt }

B.    DIV { line-height: 12em; font-size: 10pt }

C.    DIV { line-height: 120%; font-size: 10pt }

D.    DIV { line-height: 20%; font-size: 10pt }

 What will happen if the following style declaration is applied to an element?
p { margin: 3em 2em }

A.   The top and the bottom margins will be 3em and the left and the right margins will be 2em.

B.    The top and the bottom margins will be 2em and the left and the right margins will be 3em.

C.    The top and the left margins will be 3em and the bottom and the right margins will be 2em.

D.    The top and the right margins will be 2em and the bottom and the left margins will be 3em.

To give the effect of using tables without actually using tables in the HTML use:

A.    display:block

B.    display:table

C.    display:column

D.    display:row

109. Is it true that the z-index property only applies to positioned elements?



110. Which of the following is the valid option that can be used to remove underlines from the links in CSS3?

A.    text-underline: none;

B.    text-formatting: none;

C.    text-decoration: none;

110. In relation to font-variant-caps property in CSS3, which of the following values deactivates the use of alternate glyphs?

A.    petite-caps

B.    normal

C.    unicase

D.    inherit

111. What is the problem in the following style sheet?

@import “style css”;

@ media print


@import “print-main.css”;

BODY ( font size : 10pt)


H1 (color : red)

A.    Two style sheets can’t be included with @import

B.    The toy tag can’t be included inside @media

C.   @import rule is invalid since it occurs inside a @media block

D.    It is valid

112. Which of the following is the correct syntax to display the hyperlinks without any underline?

A.    a {text-decoration : underline;}

B.    a {decoration : no-underline;}

C.   a {text-decoration : none;}

D.    None of the above

113. Which of the following property is used as the shorthand property for the padding properties?

A.    padding-left

B.    padding-right

C.   padding

D.    All of the above

114. The CSS property used to make the text bold is –

A.   font-weight : bold

B.    weight: bold

C.    font: bold

D.    style: bold

115. Are the negative values allowed in padding property?

A.    Yes

B.    No

C.    Can’t say

D.    May be

116. Which of the following CSS3 property can be used to allow line breaks within words?

A.    line-break

B.    line-wrap

C.    word-wrap

D.   word-break

117. Which of the following property is used as the shorthand property of margin properties?

A.    margin-left

B.    margin-right

C.   margin

D.    None of the above

118. The CSS property used to specify the transparency of an element is –

A.   opacity

B.    filter

C.    visibility

D.    overlay

119. Which of the following is used to specify the subscript of text using CSS?

A.   vertical-align: sub

B.    vertical-align: super

C.    vertical-align: subscript

D.    None of the above

120. Which of the following CSS property is used to specify the space between every letter inside an element?

A.    alpha-spacing

B.    character-spacing

C.   letter-spacing

D.    alphabet-spacing

121. Consider the following code:

body { text-replace: “a” “b” “b” “c”}

What will be the output of the following string if you implement the text-replace style?

A.    andy lives behind cafe

B.    bndy lives behind cbfe

C.   cndy lives cehind ccfe

D.    andy lives behind cafe

E.    andy lives cehind bafe

122. In relation to CSS user interface properties, what is the default value of the outline offset property?

A.   0

B.    1

C.    -1

D.    10

123. Which of the following options is not the valid CSS background property?

A.    background-color

B.    background-repeat

C.   background-position

D.    background-picture

124. Can the given code in CSS3 be used to create a thumbnail image?

<!DOCTYPE html> 




img {

border: 1px solid #ddd; 

border-radius: 4px;

padding: 5px;






<img src=”abc.jpg” alt=”abc” style=”width:150px”>





125. In CSS3, which of the following media types is used for the paged braille printers?

A.   embossed 

B.    all 

C.    print

D.    screen

126. Which of the given user interface properties is/ are supported by CSS3?

1. resize  2. outline-offset

A.    Only 1

B.    Only 2

C.   Both 1 and 2

D.    Neither 1 nor 2

127. In relation to CSS 3D transforms, what is the default value of the transform-origin property in CSS3?

A.   50% 50% 0

B.    40% 40% 20

C.    20% 50% 30

128. Which of the following will the result when you run the below html code?

<style type=”text/css”>

 Dl {

counter-reset term -1:


dt: before {

 counter-increment: term 3: 

content: counter(term) “. “;




<dt> terms</dt> 



<dd> definition</dd> 

A.    2. term 


5. term 


8. term


B.    3. term 


6. term


9. term


C.     1. term


3. term 


6 term 


129. Which of the following is not a valid value for the font-smooth property?

A.    auto

B.    never

C.    always

D.   normal

E.    length

130. In relation to the animation direction property in CSS3, which of the following is the effect of the alternate-reverse value

A.    The animation is played forwards first, then backwards.

B.    The animation is played backwards first, then forwards.

C.    The animation is played as normal (forwards)

D.    The animation is played in reverse direction (backwards)

131. In CSS3, which of the given properties can be used to change the text direction of an element?

1. direction 2. unicode-bidi

A.    Only 1 

B.    Only 2

C.   Both 1 and 2

D.    Neither 1 nor 2

132. Which of the following value of the white-space property will set the value of white-space-collapse to “preserve” and value of the text-wrap to “none”?

A.    normal

B.    pre

C.    nowrap

D.    pre-wrap

E.    pre line

133. Which of the following properties allow percentages in their value fields?

A.    font-size

B.    font-variant

C.    font-weight

D.    line-height

134 Which of the following tag is used to embed css in html page?

A.    <css>

B.    <!DOCTYPE html>

C.    <script>

D.   <style>

135. The color in three digit RGB notation is #fbo. What will be its equivalent six digit color code?

A.    #fb0fb0

B.    #ffbb00

C.    #fbfboo

D.    None of the above

137. Which of the following is not a valid value for the font-stretch property?

A.    condensed

B.    normal

C.    semi-narrower

D.    expanded

E.    semi-expanded

139. What is the initial value of the hyphens property?

A.    none

B.    manual

C.    auto

D.    default

140. What is the initial value of the animation-iteration count property?

A.    0

B.    1

C.    5

D.    None

141. in relation to CSS3, what does the following selector selects?

a[ hrefs=”.pdf”]

A.   it selects every <a>element whose href attribute value ends with “.pdf”

B.    it selects every <a> element whose href attribute value starts with “.pdf”

C.    It selects the first <a> element whose href attribute value ends with “.pdf”

D.    It selects the first <a> element whose href attributevole starts with pdf”

143. Which of the given user interface properties is/are supported by CSS3?!

1. resize 2. outline-offset

A.    Only 1

B.    Only 2

C.   Both 1 and 2

D.    Neither 1 nor 2

145. Can the given code in CSS3 be used to create a thumbnail image?

<!DOCTYPE html>




 Img { border: 1px solid #ddd; 

border-radius: 4px; 

padding: 5px; 






amg src=”abc.jpg” alt=”abc” style=”width:150px”>





146. In relation to hsla(hue, saturation, lightness, alpha) color in CSS3, what is defined by the parameter alpha?

A.    It defines the thickness.

B.    It defines the shade.

C.   It defines the opacity

147. Consider the following code and say what will happen if you click on More? 

@media print




float: footnote;

 content: target-move(attr(href url) ) }

 .marker { display: none }


HTML code:

<p>John was a great writer<a class=”footnote” href=”#words”> [More]</a>

<p id=words><span class=”marker >[More}</span> Great poet too.

A.    The tool tip will appear saying Great poet too.

B.    A pop up will appear saying Great poet too.

C.   The page will shift focus to the line Great poet too

D.    Nothing will happen

148. Which of the following is the initial value for the column-fill property?

A.    auto

B.    balance

C.    none

149. Which of the following is the valid option that can be used to remove underlines from the links in CSS3?

A.    text-underline: none;

B.    text-formatting: none;

C.   text-decoration: none;

150. What is the default value of the text-align property for Left to Right Languages?

A.    start

B.    end

C.   left

D.    right

E.    center

F.     justify

151. In CSS3, which of the following declarations can rotate an element counter-clockwise?

A.    object-rotation: -30deg 

B.    rotate-object-30deg

C.   transform: rotate(-30deg)

D.    transform: rotateobject(-30deg)

152. In relation to CSS, which of the following values of @keyframes property are mandatory?

A.    animationneme

B.    keyframes-selector

C.   CSS-styles

D.    None of the above.

153. The CSS box model consists of which of the following options?

1. Margin 2. Padding 3. Content

A.   All 1, 2, and 3

B.    Only 1 and 2

C.    Only 1 and 3

D.    Only 2 and 3

154. Which of the following rules is equivalent to the em (color: rgb(255,0.0) style?

A.    em (color: rgb(300,0,0))

B.    em { color: rgb(255,-10,0)) 

C.    em color: rgb{110%, 0%, 0%)}

D.    em { color: rgb(100%, 0%, 0%)]

E.    All of the above

155. Which of the following CSS style property is used to specify an italic text?

A.    Style

B.    Font

C.   font-style

D.    @font-face

156. What will happen if the following style declaration is applied to an element?

p { margin: 3em 2em }

A.   The top and the bottom margins will be 3em and the left and the right margins will be 2em.

B.    The top and the bottom margins will be 2em and the left and the right margins will be 3em.

C.    The top and the left margins will be 3em and the bottom and the right margins will be 2em.

D.    The top and the right margins will be 2em and the bottom and the left margins will be 3em.

157. Given that one div element needs to be hidden and on active state needs to be displayed, what will be the output of the following code?

div {

display: none;

-webkit-transition: opacity 1s ease-out;

opacity: 0;

} {

opacity: 1;

display: block;


A.   On active state the element is displayed.

B.    On active state the element’s opacity is changed to 1.

C.    On active state the element’s opacity is changed to 0.

D.    Nothing will be shown.

158. Which of the following statements is true with regard to CSS3 transitions?

A.    Using CSS transitions will slow down page upload and produce lag.

B.    The completion of a CSS transition generates a corresponding DOM event.

C.    An event is fired for each property that undergoes a transition.

D.    This allows a content developer to perform actions that synchronize with the completion of a transition.

E.    CSS transitions allow DOM events in CSS values to occur smoothly over a specified duration.

F.     None of these.

159. While rendering the following code, what is the role of “src” propery?

@font-face {

font-family: “calibriforh1”;

src: local(“calibri”), url(calibri.woff);


h1 { font-family: “calibriforh1”, arial, sans-serif; }

A.   It’s for searching the user’s system for a “calibri” font, and if it does not exist, it will load the font from the server instead.

B.    It’s for searching the user’s system for a “calibri” font, and if it does not exist, it will load user’s system’s default font instead.

C.    It’s for loading the user’s system’s default font.

D.    None of these.

161. Which of the following are not valid values for the target-new property?

A.    window

B.    tab

C.    none

D.   parent

E.    current

162. What is the range of values (in decimal notation) that can be specified in the RGB color model?

A.    0 to 256

B.    0 to 255

C.    -250 to 250

D.    -255 to 255

163. What is the difference between float:left; vs display:inline-block; ?

A.    There is no difference, both of them have the same results.

B.    display:inline-block; adds whitespace between the elements.

C.    float:left; collapses the parent element on itself.

D.    None of these.

164. Is it possible to use transition animations with a gradient background?



165. There are various types of input fields in a HTML page. Choose the appropriate CSS3 code which will have an effect on all inputs, except checkbox and radio.

A.    form input:not([type=”radio”], [type=”checkbox”]) { }

B.    input:not([type=”radio”]):not([type=”checkbox”]) { }

C.    input:not([type=”radio & checkbox”]) { }

D.    input:!([type=”radio”]) , input:!([type=”checkbox”]) { }

166. Which of the following snippets will correct issue?

A.    It is not possible to style.

B.    <input id=”rad” type=”radio” name=”rad”><label “rad”>A Label</label>

C.   input[type=”radio”]:checked+label{ font-weight: bold; }

D.    input[type=”radio”]:checked@label{ font-weight: bold; }

167. Using height on transitions is not possible with:

A.   height:auto

B.    height:100%

C.    height:0

D.    max-height:100%

 Which of the following properties allow percentages in their value fields?

A.   font-size

B.    font-variant

C.    font-weight

D.    line-height

170. Which of the following is not a valid value for the font-stretch property?

A.    condense

B.    normal

C.   semi-narrower

D.    expanded

E.    semi-expanded

171. Which of the following styles is valid?

A.    order: “none”;

B.    order= “none”;

C.    order: none;

D.    order= none;

E.    None of these.

172. Which one of the following is appropriate to mirror/flip text by using CSS3?

A.    .mirror_text{ -moz-transform: scaleX(-1); -o-transform: scaleX(-1); -webkit-transform: scaleX(-1); transform: scaleX(-1); filter: FlipH; -ms-filter: “FlipH”; }

B.    .mirror_text{ Box-reflect; 20px right; }

C.    .mirror_text{ Box-reflect; 20px left; }

D.    .mirror_text{ -moz-transform: rotate(-180deg); -webkit-transform: rotate(-180deg); transform: rotate(-180deg); }

173. What is the initial value of the marquee-speed property?

A.    slow

B.    normal

C.    fast

D.    none

174. Which of the following will apply a gradient transition to #DemoGradient using CSS3?

A.    @-webkit-keyframes pulse #DemoGradient { 0% { background: -webkit-gradient(linear, left top, left bottom, color-stop(0, rgb(196,222,242)), color-stop(0.5, rgb(242,242,242)), color-stop(1, rgb(240,240,240))); } 50% { background: -webkit-gradient(linear, left top, left bottom, color-stop(0, rgb(222,252,255)), color-stop(0.5, rgb(242,242,242)), color-stop(1, rgb(240,240,240))); } 100% { background: -webkit-gradient(linear, left top, left bottom, color-stop(0, rgb(196,222,242)), color-stop(0.5, rgb(242,242,242)), color-stop(1, rgb(240,240,240))); } }

B.    #DemoGradient{ background: -webkit-linear-gradient(#C7D3DC,#5B798E); background: -moz-linear-gradient(#C7D3DC,#5B798E); background: -o-linear-gradient(#C7D3DC,#5B798E); background: linear-gradient(#C7D3DC,#5B798E); -webkit-transition: background 1s ease-out; -moz-transition: background 1s ease-out; -o-transition: background 1s ease-out; transition: background 1s ease-out; background-size:1px 200px; border-radius: 10px; border: 1px solid #839DB0; cursor:pointer; width: 150px; height: 100px; } #DemoGradient:Hover{ background-position:100px; }

C.    It is not possible to apply a gradient transition using only CSS3.

175. Consider the following code snippet:

<div id=”sectors”>

<div id=”A” class=”A”></div>

<div id=”B” class=”B”></div>

<div id=”C” class=”C”></div>

<div id=”D” class=”D”></div>

<div id=”E” class=”E”></div>


With these style rules:


#sectors > div {

float: left;

position: relative;

width: 80px;

height: 80px;

margin: 16px;

background-color:red; color: white;

text-align: center;


#sectors > div::after {

content: attr(id) ‘-Block’;


#sectors > div.changecolor {

background-color: blue;



Which of the following code snippets when inserted into CSS will change the A and B div’s color from red to blue?

A.   In style rule add this code “#sectors > div:not(.C):not(.D):not(.E) {background-color: blue;}”

B.    In style rule add this code “#sectors > div:not(.C, .D, .E) {background-color: blue;}”

C.    Both A and B

D.    None of the above

176. Which of the following will create a triangle effect using pure CSS3 on a white background, without making use of background images?

A.    It is not possible to do so.

B.    border-color: #a0c7ff #ffffff #ffffff #ffffff; border-style: solid; border-width: 20px; width: 0px; height: 0px;

C.    background-color: #a0c7ff #ffffff #ffffff #ffffff; border-style: solid; border-width: 20px; width: 0px; height: 0px;

D.    background-color: #a0c7ff #ffffff #ffffff #ffffff; border-style: solid; border-width: 1px; width: 10px; height: 10px;

177. Can a percentage value be given in a ruby-align property?



178. Consider the following font definition:


What is the other way of getting the same result?

A.    font-weight:100

B.    font-weight:900

C.   font-weight:400

D.    font-weight:700

179. Consider the following code:

div[class^=”stronger”] { }



Which of the following statements is true?

A.   It applies the rule only on divs who belong to a class that begins with “stronger”.

B.    It applies the rule only on divs of class “stronger”.

C.    It applies the rule only on divs who belong to a class which end with “stronger”.

D.    It applies the rule only on divs who belong to a class which does not contain “stronger” in its name.

180. For the clear property, which of the following value is not valid?

A.    none

B.    left

C.    right

D.   top

181. Read the following:

@page rotated {size: landscape}

TABLE {page: rotated; page-break-before: right}

What will this code do?

A.   It will put all tables on a right-hand side landscape page.

B.    It will rotate the page if the table is positioned at the right side.

C.    It will keep the table in the landscape position and rotate the page.

D.    None of the above

182. What is the initial value of the opacity property?

A.   1

B.    normal

C.    none

183. State whether the following statement is true or false.

If a parent element display property is set to none, its children too will not be rendered.



184. Which of the following filters does SVG support?

A.    SVG supports only CSS filters.

B.    SVG supports CSS filters as well as ‘filter’ property of SVG

C.    SVG supports only ‘filter’ property of SVG

D.    SVG does not supports any filters

185. For the clear property, which of the following values is not valid?

A.    none

B.    left

C.    right

D.    top

186. What will be the output of the following code?


.foo {





-webkit-gradient(linear, 0 0, 0 100%, from(black), to(red)) 1 100%;


-webkit-linear-gradient(black, red) 1 100%;


-o-linear-gradient(black, red)) 1 100%;


-moz-linear-gradient(black, red) 1 100%;



<div class=”foo”>Lorem</div>

A.    The text “Lorem” will be colored black-red.

B.    The div element will be colored black-red.

C.   The border of div element will be colored black-red.

D.    None of these.

187. Which of the following is not a valid value for the font-smooth property?

A.    auto

B.    never

C.    always

D.   normal

E.    length

189. The CSS property used to specify whether the text is written in the horizontal or vertical direction?

A.   writing-mode

B.    text-indent

C.    word-break

D.    None of the above

190. Which of the following syntax is correct in CSS to make each word of a sentence start with a capital letter?

A.    text-style : capital;

B.    transform : capitalize;

C.    text-transform : capital;

D.   text-transform : capitalize;

191. How to select the elements with the class name “example”?

A.    example

B.    #example

C.   .example

D.    Class example

192. Which of the following is the correct syntax to select all paragraph elements in a div element?

A.   div p

B.    p

C.    div#p

D.    div ~ p

193. Which of the following is the correct syntax to select the p siblings of a div element?

A.    p

B.    div + p

C.    div p

D.   div ~ p

194. The CSS property used to draw a line around the elements outside the border?

A.    border

B.    outline

C.    padding

D.    line

195. Which of the following CSS property is used to add shadows to the text?

A.   text-shadow

B.    text-stroke

C.    text-overflow

D.    text-decoration

196. Which of the following is not a valid page break?

A.    page-break-inside

B.    page-break-outside

C.    page-break-before

D.    page-break-after

E.    None of these

197. Which statement is correct given the following?

box-shadow:30px 20px 10px 5px black;

A.    The shadow will be spread out to 30px top, 20px right, 10px bottom, 5px left.

B.    The position of the horizontal black shadow is 30px and the position of the vertical black shadow is 20px and blur distance is 10px and size of shadow is 5px.

C.    The position of the vertical black shadow is 30px and the position of the horizontal black shadow is 20px and size of shadow is 10px and blur distance is 5px.

D.    The shadow will be spread out to 30px top and bottom, 20px left and right with 10px blur distance, 5px shadow size.

198. to which of the following elements can the min-width property not be applied?

A.    button

B.    span

C.    table row

199. Which of the following CSS property is used to specify whether the table cells share the common or separate border?

A.   border-collapse

B.    border-radius

C.    border-spacing

D.    None of the above

200. The CSS property used to make the rounded borders, or rounded corners around an element is –

A.    border-collapse

B.    border-radius

C.    border-spacing

D.    None of the above

201. The CSS property used to set the distance between the borders of the adjacent cells in the table is –

A.    border-collapse

B.    border-radius

C.   border-spacing

D.    None of the above

202. Which of the following selector in CSS is used to select the elements that do not match the selectors?

A.    :! selector

B.    :not selector

C.    :empty selector

D.    None of the above

203. Which of the following is not a type of combinator?

A.    > 

B.    ~

C.    +

D.   *

204. Given the following problem:

A drop shadow needs to appear only at the bottom, and no images should be used.

Consider the following code:

-moz-box-shadow: 0px 4px 4px #000;

-webkit-box-shadow: 0px 4px 4px #000;

box-shadow-bottom: 5px #000;

However, this produces shadows on the rest of the element.

Which of the following code snippets will correct the issue?

A.    border-bottom:5px solid #ffffff; -webkit-box-shadow: 0px 5px #000000; -moz-box-shadow: 0px 5px #000000; box-shadow: 0px 5px #000000;

B.    -webkit-box-shadow: 0 4px 4px -2px #000000; -moz-box-shadow: 0 4px 4px -2px #000000; box-shadow: 0 4px 4px -2px #000000;

C.    -webkit-box-shadow: 0 4px 4px -2px inside #000000; -moz-box-shadow: 0 4px 4px -2px inside #000000; box-shadow: 0 4px 4px -2px inside #000000;

D.    None of these.

205. Consider the following code:

body { text-replace: “a” “b” “b” “c” }

What will be the output of the following string if the text-replace style is implemented?

andy lives behind cafe

A.    ndy lives behind cbfe

B.    cndy lives cehind ccfe

C.    andy lives behind cafe

D.    andy lives cehind bafe

206. What is the default value of the transform-style property?

A.    preserve-3d

B.    flat

C.    none

D.    preserve

207. What will be the output of the following code?


.foo {





-webkit-gradient(linear, 0 0, 0 100%, from(black), to(red)) 1 100%;


-webkit-linear-gradient(black, red) 1 100%;


-o-linear-gradient(black, red)) 1 100%;


-moz-linear-gradient(black, red) 1 100%;



<div class=”foo”>Lorem</div>

A.    The text “Lorem” will be colored black-red.

B.    The div element will be colored black-red.

C.   The border of div element will be colored black-red.

D.    None of these.

208. Which of the following CSS property defines how an image or video fits into container with established height and width?

A.   object-fit

B.    object-position

C.    position

D.    None of the above

209. Which type of CSS is used in the below code?

<p style = “border:2px solid red;”> 

A.   Inline CSS

B.    Internal CSS

C.    External CSS

D.    None of the above

210. Which of the following CSS property specifies the origin of the background-image?

A.   background-origin

B.    background-attachment

C.    background-size

D.    None of the above

211. The CSS property used to set the maximum width of the element’s content box is –

A.   max-width property

B.    height property

C.    max-height property

D.    position property

212. Which if the following CSS function allows us to perform calculations?

A.    calc() function

B.    calculator() function

C.    calculate() function

D.   cal() function

213. Which of the following styles is not valid for an image?

A.    img { float= left }

B.    img { float: left here }

C.    img { background: “black” }

D.    img { border-width: 10 }

E.    All of the above

214. Suppose that a <tr> tag has 10 <td> tags. In this case which statement is correct given the following?


background-color: orange;


A.    It returns a syntax error.

B.    The background color of the fourth td will be orange.

C.    The background color of the third td will be orange.

D.   The background color of every third td will be orange.

215. What is the best method to select all elements except for the last one in an unordered list?

A.    Adding a class to each <li> element but last

B.    Using li:not(:last-child) css selector

C.    Using li:last-child selector

D.    None of the above

216. The CSS property used to set the maximum height of the element’s content box is –

A.    max-width property

B.    height property

C.   max-height property

D.    position property

217. The CSS property used to set the minimum width of the element’s content box is –

A.    max-width property

B.    min-width property

C.    width property

D.    All of the above

218. Which of the following CSS property is used to represent the overflowed text which is not visible to the user?

A.    text-shadow

B.    text-stroke

C.   text-overflow

D.    text-decoration

219. The CSS property which is used to define the set the difference between two lines of your content is –

A.    min-height property

B.    max-height property

C.   line-height property

D.    None of the above

220. The CSS property which is used to define the set the difference between two lines of your content is –

A.    min-height property

B.    max-height property

C.   line-height property

D.    None of the above

221. Which of the following will apply a black inner glow with 25% opacity to a page element?

A.    box-shadow: 0 0 8px rgba(255,255,255, 0.25);

B.    box-shadow: inset 0 0 8px rgba(0,0,0, 0.25);

C.    box-shadow: 0 0 8px rgba(255,255,255, 25%);

D.    box-shadow: inset 0 0 8px rgba(0,0,0, 25%);

222. Which of the following is the initial value for the column-fill property?

A.    auto

B.    balance

C.    none

223. Which of the following can be used to add a shadow around the div element below?

<div>Lorem ipsum</div>

A.   box-shadow: 0 0 8px 2px #888;

B.    border-shadow: 0 0 8px 2px #888;

C.    div-shadow: 8px 2px 0 0 #888;

D.    None of these

224. Which of the following will decrease 50px from a DIV element whose width is 100%?

A.   width: calc(100% – 50px);

B.    width: reduce(100% – 50px);

C.    width: decrease(100% – 50px);

D.    width: 100% – 50px;

225. Which of the following properties specifies the minimum number of lines of a paragraph that must be left at the bottom of a page?

A.   orphans

B.    widows

C.    bottom

D.    overflow

E.    None of these

226. What is the maximum value that can be given to the voice-volume property?

A.    10

B.    100

C.    500

D.    None of the above

227. What is the initial value of the font-size property?

A.    small

B.    medium

C.    large

D.    default

228. Which of the following CSS property is used to add stroke to the text?

A.   text-stroke property

B.    text-transform property

C.    text-decoration property

D.    None of the above

229. Which of the following CSS property is used to set the blend mode for each background layer of an element?

A.   background-blend-mode property

B.    background-collapse property

C.    background-transform property

D.    background-origin property

230. The CSS property used to specify the transparency of an element is –

A.    Hover

B.    opacity

C.    clearfix

D.    overlay

231. Which of the following CSS property is used to set the horizontal alignment of a table-cell box or the block element?

A.   text-align property

B.    text-transform property

C.    text-shadow property

D.    text-decoration

232. The CSS property which is used to set the text wider or narrower compare to the default width of the font is –

A.   font-stretch property

B.    font-weight property

C.    text-transform property

D.    font-variant property

233. Is there a way to create a pure CSS3 text color gradient?

A.    Yes, using the text-gradient property.

B.    Yes, but only for headings.

C.   There is no way to do a text color gradient with CSS3.

D.    None of the above.

234. Consider the following code:


Given a div element that needs to have a transparent red border, which of the following code samples will work in conjunction with the code above to accomplish the requirement?

A.   border: 1px solid rgba(255, 0, 0, 0.7);

B.    border: 1px solid rgb(255, 0, 0, 0.7);

C.    border: 1px solid rgba(255, 255, 0, 0.7);

D.    border: 1px solid red; opacity: 0.7;

235. What is the initial value of the animation-iteration-count property?

A.    1

B.    5

C.    None

236. What is the default value of the animation-direction property?

A.    none

B.    normal

C.    alternate

D.    inherited

237. Is it possible to combine a background image and CSS3 gradients?

A.    It is possible only when two separate styles are used, “background-image” and “gradient”, on an HTML tag.

B.    It is possible only when “background-image” is used.

C.    It is possible only when layered HTML tags are used, “background-image” and “gradient”.

D.    It is not possible to combine a background image and CSS3 gradients.

238. What will happen if the cursor property value is set to none?

A.    The default cursor will be displayed.

B.    No cursor will be displayed.

C.    A pointer cursor will be displayed.

D.    A text cursor will be displayed.

239. What will be the outcome of given code?

div[class^=”stronger”] { }



A.   It applies the rule only on divs who belong to a class that begins with “stronger”.

B.    It applies the rule only on divs of class “stronger”.

C.    It applies the rule only on divs who belong to a class which end with “stronger”.

D.    It applies the rule only on divs who belong to a class which does not contain “stronger” in its name.

240. To apply style on every input element except text, which of the following selectors should be used?

A.    input:([!type=’text’])

B.    input:not([type=”text”])

C.    input:not([type!=”text”])

D.    input:([type!=’text’])

241. Which of the following is not the background property used in CSS.

A.    background-color

B.    background-size

C.    background-image

D.    background-repeat

241. …………….. property sets the background image to scroll or not to scroll with its associated element’s content.

A.    background-repeat

B.    background-image

C.   background-attachment

D.    background-position

242. …………………. is the default value used in background-attachment property of CSS.

A.    Fixed

B.    Scroll

C.    Inherit

D.    None

243. Which of the following code will set the background color of h1 tag to red.

h1{background-color: #FF0000;}  ii) h1{background-color: #F00;}

ii) h1{background-color: red;} iv) h1{background-color: rgb(255, 0, 0);}

A.    i, ii and iii only

B.    ii, iii and iv only

C.    i, iii and iv only

D.   All i, ii, iii and iv

244. The ………………… property requires a URL to link it to the source image specified with the url() syntax.

A.    background-position

B.    background-repeat

C.    background-attachment

D.   background-image

245. Which of the following CSS property is used to specify the type of quotation mark?

A.   quotes property

B.    z-index property

C.    hyphens property

D.    None of the above

246. The CSS property used to specify the order of flex item in the grid container is –

A.   order property

B.    float property

C.    overflow property

D.    None of the above

247. The CSS property used to set the indentation of the first line in a block of text is –

A.   text-indent property

B.    text-stroke property

C.    text-decoration property

D.    text-overflow property

248. Which of the following CSS property creates a clipping region and specifies the visible area of the element?

A.    visibility property

B.    background-clip property

C.   clip-path property

D.    None of the above

249. The correct syntax to give a line over text is –

A.    text-decoration: line-through

B.    text-decoration: none

C.   text-decoration: overline

D.    text-decoration: underline

250. The possible named values for the horizontal axis of background-position property are ………..

i) left   ii) top   iii) center   iv) right   v) bottom

A.    ii, iii and iv only

B.    ii, iii and v only

C.    iii, iv and v only

D.   i, iii and iv only

251. Which of the following are the possible named values for the vertical axis of background-position property.

A.   ii, iii and iv only

B.    ii, iii and v only

C.    iii, iv and v only

D.    i, iii and iv only

252. …………………….. property determines how background images specified by the property background or background image tile when they are smaller than the canvas space used by their associated elements.

A.    background-position

B.    background-repeat

C.    background-attachment

D.    background-image

253. Which of the following is/are the possible values of background-repeat property.

i) repeat-x   ii) repeat-y   iii) none   iv) inherit

A.    i, ii and iii only

B.    ii, iii and iv only

C.   i, ii and iv only

D.    i, ii, iii and iv only

254. The default value of background-repeat property used in CSS is ……………….

A.    repeat-x

B.    repeat-y

C.   repeat

D.    inherit

255. Which of the following is the correct syntax to represent shorthand form of border property used in CSS.

A.   border: border-width border-style border-color

B.    border: border-style border-color border-width

C.    border: border-color border-style border-width

D.    border: border-width border-color border-style

256. ………………….. property defines whether table cell borders are connected or separate.

A.   border-collapse

B.    border-spacing

C.    border-style

D.    border-state

257. The default value of background-collapse property used in CSS is ……………….

A.    collapse

B.    none

C.   separate

D.    inherit

258. Which of the following CSS code will represent correct way of using border-style property.

i) .rect{border-style: solid}   ii) .rect{border-style: dashed solid;}

iii) .rect{border-style: solid dashed groove inset;}

A.    i and ii only

B.    ii and iii only

C.    i and iii only

D.   All i, ii and iii

259. ……………….. property defines the vertical co-ordinate for a positioned element relative to the bottom of the enclosing object.

A.   Top

B.    Left

C.   Bottom

D.   Right

260. …………………. property specifies the placement of an element in relation to floating objects.

A.    position

B.    clear

C.    clip

D.    placement

261. Which of the following is/are the possible values used in clear property.

       i.            both  

     ii.            left  

  iii.            none 

  iv.            inherit

A.   i, ii and iii only

B.    ii, iii and iv only

C.    i, iii and iv only

D.    All i, ii, iii and iv

262. ……………….. property sets the co-ordinates of the clipping shape that exposes or hides the content of absolutely positioned elements.

A.    position

B.    clear

C.   clip

D.    placement

263. The CSS cursor property value ………………. leaves the cursor display to be determined by the user agent.

A.   auto

B.    default

C.    pointer

D.    inherit

264. The CSS cursor property value ………………….. renders similar to the browser’s default pointing cursor, which is generally a hand.

A.    auto

B.    default

C.   pointer

D.    inherit

265. Which of the following is the correct syntax for referring the external style sheet?

A.    <style src = example.css>

B.    <style src = “example.css” >

C.    <stylesheet> example.css </stylesheet>

D.   <link rel=”stylesheet” type=”text/css” href=”example.css”>

266. The property in CSS used to change the background color of an element is –

A.    bgcolor

B.    color

C.   background-color

D.    All of the above

267. The property in CSS used to change the text color of an element is –



Current TimeÂ








A.    bgcolor

B.    color

C.    background-color

D.    All of the above

268. The CSS property used to control the element’s font-size is –

A.    text-style

B.    text-size

C.   font-size

D.    None of the above

269. The HTML attribute used to define the inline styles is –

A.      style

B.     styles

C.      class

D.     None of the above

270. The HTML attribute used to define the internal stylesheet is –

A.    <style>

B.    Style

C.    <link>

D.    <script>

271. Which of the following CSS property is used to set the background image of an element?

A.    background-attachment

B.    background-image

C.    background-color

D.    None of the above

272. Which of the following is the correct syntax to make the background-color of all paragraph elements to yellow?

A.   p {background-color : yellow;}

B.    p {background-color : #yellow;}

C.   all {background-color : yellow;}

D.   all p {background-color : #yellow;}

Which of the following properties specifies the minimum number of lines of a paragraph that must be left at the bottom of a page?

A.   orphans          

B.    widows

C.   bottom

D.   overflow

E.    None of the above

ruby-text (in XHTML: rt)

Which of the following display values assign ruby semantics to an arbitrary element as given above?

A.    It specifies that an element defines a ruby base.

B.    It specifies that an element contains one or more ruby bases.

C.   It specifies that an element defines a ruby text.

D.    It specifies that an element contains one or more ruby texts.

E.    It specifies that an element defines a ruby structure.

In CSS, which of the following options are the correct relative length units?

A.   em

B.    rem

C.   mm

D.   Vh

Which of the following options are the correct CSS pseudo classes?

A.   not(selector)

B.    nth-last-of-type(n)

C.   target

D.   selection

E.    All of the above

If you want to create a dropdown menu to go from right to left, instead of left to right, then which of the following options will help you to achieve that?

A.    style=”left;

B.    style=”left:0;

C.   style=”right:0;

Which of the following styles is valid?

A.    border: “none”;          

B.    border= “none”;         

C.   border: none;             

D.    border= none;           

E.    None of the above    

If the nav-index property of the textbox1 is set to 10, that of twxtbox2 to 5 and that of textbox3 to 8, what will be the navigation order?

A.    Textbox1, textbox2, textbox3

B.    Textbox2, textbox3, textbox1

C.    Textbox3, textbox2, textbox1

D.    Textbox1, textbox3, textbox2

Which of the following is not valid value for the font-smooth property?

A.    auto

B.     never

C.     always

D.    normal

E.     length

in relation to CSS user interference properties, what is the default value of the outline-offset property?

A.    0

B.     1

C.     -1

D.    10

Which of the following does not apply to external styles?

A.    Clean separation of design and content

B.     Minimal code duplication

C.     Highest priority

D.    Reduced paged download time

In CSS3, which of the following media types is used for speech and sound synthesizers?

A.    Projection

B.     Handheld

C.     tty

D.    aural

which of the following option is the universal selector in CSS3 that can be used to select all HTML elements on the page

A.    @

B.     #

C.     *

D.    &

Which of the following option are the correct values of the speak-as property?

A.    spell-out

B.     no-punctuation

C.     always

D.    loud

In CCS3, which of the given are the valid values of the font-style property?

1.     normal

2.     italic

3.     oblique

A.    all 1, 2 and 3

B.     only 1 and 2

C.     only 1 and 3

D.    only 2 and 3

What will happen if the following style declaration is used in the given HTML code?

<style type=”text/css”>




 border:1em solid black;






 border:1em silver ridge;




HTML code:

<div class=”container”> <div class=”split”>Box 1.</div> <div class=”split”>Box 2.</div> </div>

A.    Two boxes will be stacked one on another.

B.     Box 1 will be on the left hand side and Box 2 will be on the right hand side horizontally.

C.     Box 2 will be on the left hand side and Box 1 will be on the right hand side horizontally.

D.    Both boxes will overlap each other.

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